
The Federated Login portlet is an extension plugin of Liferay application framework which introduce additional authentication schema to the many already bundled.

Currently, two new schema are supported

Other protocols will be added in the future



The plugin work only for Liferay 6.1. It is an ext so after the installation the source code of liferay is modified and it cannot be reverted to the original so before to install create a backup of your current installation.

SAML Federation

To perform authentication using SAML, Liferay has to be executed behind apache (or similar service) configured to perform SAML authentication. The attributes has to be provided to the application server in order for the module to read them. A common scenario is to use apache with mod_shibboleth, which is already available in many linux distribution. Apache will communicate with the application server using mod_proxy_ajp or other proxies.

STORK federation

The STORK module includes the opensmal-java libraries. In order to make the library working, please, you have to make available in your application context the endorsed libraries used by opensaml. These are Xerces and Xalan. For the installation in your application server you may refer to the official guideline provided for opensaml. Alternatively a copy of the libraries are included in the package and they are available in the path ./federated-login-ext/WEB-INF/ext-lib/portal/endorsed/ inside the autodeploy directory.


In order to deploy the plugin you need to compile it first. The development and compilation environment is based on liferay plugins sdk version 6.1. Download and configure Liferay plugin following its documentation and when ready clone or download the source code in the ext directory. The command ant war will build the war in the directory dist. It is also deploy the portlet from the plugin sdk using the command ant deploy.

The Federated Login portlet can be deployed in a Liferay instance as any other portlet copying the war file in the deploy directory or uploading the file using the marketplace portlet of Liferay and accessing the tab to deploy from war file.

NOTE: the plugin will create a portal-ext.properties, if already present this will be overwritten so if you have some options configured please take note and apply again after the installation



No configuration files need to be modified to use SAML federated login. However, be sure the server performing the SAML communication (i.e. Apache httpd) is properly configured.


After the installation of the war file you need to stop the server and locate the file SamlEngineSignConfig.xml inside the WEB-INF directory of liferay application. This file contains the information about the certificate to use with STORK servers. Open the file and edit the path and other information to refer to a java keystone containing the certificate and key of the server and the trusted public keys of remote servers.

For more information on how to prepare the keystone look at STORK documentation.

Post Installation Configuration

After the installation and configuration of the plugin several new element should be visible in the authentication section of portal settings in Liferay configuration panel.

In the General tab there is the new option to disable the local login as shown in the following figure:

Liferay Authentication configuration

When the option “Enable the login with account local to Liferay. Before .....” is unchecked the login form will not show the username and password fields and the users have to use an alternative method to use. Other two tabs are available.


The SAML federation tab contains the configuration to use for SAML and it has the option shown in the following figure:

SAML configuration

The first block of parameters, Authentication Parameters, allows to define the mapping among SAML and Liferay attributes. In each field user has to specify the SAML attribute to use for it. They are not mandatory but the one used to identify the user is needed.

After, the Service Parameteres allows to customise the behaviour of the authentication. The first combo box, SAML attribute to identify the user, specify how the user has to be identified inside Liferay. Create account check-box when enabled will add a new user when SAML attribute does not identify any existing user (this feature is not implemented in this version of the plugin). The next check-box, Check LDAP Account, will search the user inside the LDAP, if account are managed in a LDAP server, using the query string provided in the following field. This is useful because Liferay copy locally only a subset of attributes available so could be useful to search in the larget set. As an example, Liferay allows only a single mail value per user where LDAP Account may have multiple values. The filter has to be an LDAP compliant filter and can include several SAML attributes, from the page help:

Enter the search filter that will be used to identify the SAML a user. The tokens @company_id@, @email_address@, @screen_name@, @last_name@ and @first_name@ are replaced at runtime with the correct values. If the IdP provides multiple values for some attributes the search will be performed several times, corresponding to the number of values obtained

Finally, there are four pages to specify:

  • The page where redirect users not registered in the local DB (or LDAP if enabled). This page should be customised with a form to request access of useful information on how to be included.
  • The page where redirect users in case the Identity Provider is not providing mandatory attributes used to identify the user.
  • The page to protect with SAML protocol. This page could be modified but the same value has to be registered in the file liferay-web.xml in your deployment.
  • The page where users can perform global/local SAML logout after the liferay session is destroyed.


The STORK configuration has many similarities with SAML configuration above so the description will focus on the differences. The configuration tab has the options shown in the following figure:

STORK configuration

The first block of parameters, Authentication Parameters, defines the mapping among Liferay and STORK attributes.

The second block of parameter allows to define the behaviour of STORK. Differently from SAML, there is not need of an external authentication but everything is managed in Liferay. Therefore, it is requested to specify the parameter for the communication with the STORK PEPS service. All these information should be provided from the organisation manageing the PEPS. The check-box European Map has a graphical impact because it specify if the origin country of the user has to be selected from a map or from a combo-box.

After the STORK specific configuration there are the option to customise how the user is identified and if the search is on the local DB or should follow in the LDAP, using the same filter defined for SAML. Like for the SAML implementation the option to create new account in case users are not identified is not implemented in this version.

Finally, the pages for the not identified user and for the authentication missing mandatory attributes. In this case there is not need to specify the protected page and the logout page because they are totally managed by Liferay.


After the installation and configuration, if everything is working properly, a user accessing the portal and trying to sign-in should see the Liferay login portlet with the new protocols, when enabled, shown with an icon and a link, such as when OpenID or Facebook authentication are enabled. The following figures shows the login portlet where both SAML and STORK are enabled and the local account are disabled (username and password fields are not present):

User login



Many features and protocols are not supported and will be developed if and when needed. If you would contribute to this project with code, documentation, testing or other please fork the project in GitHub and send pull request with your changes.